Contamination Control Fixative (CC Fix) is used to fix both radiological and beryllium contaminated surfaces. Applying CC Fix will permanently capture fixed and or removable contamination and make a hard coated surface. This hard coating will allow handling and removal of contaminated equipment without risk to the workers or environment. CC Fix can also be used on walls, floors, and ceilings of contaminated work areas, allowing work to progress in these areas with minimal exposure and controls. This coating is water-based and completely non-hazardous and non-toxic, making it safe to use. CC Fix can be applied over CC Wet by spraying or brushing. CC Strip causes the CC Wet to be rehydrated and absorbed by the CC Fix. The contamination originally captured by the CC Wet is now permanently fixed with this product.

CC Fix is being used at DOE sites on highly contaminated plutonium and uranium surfaces. The use of CC Fix has allowed uranium and plutonium contaminated processing equipment to be transported outside the buildings without being placed in shipping containers.